Monday, May 18, 2020

How to optimize wordpress page speed?

How to speed up WordPress surely is a hot topic these days

We will discuss 7 ways to optimize or speed up your wordpress website:

1: Chose a better web hosting provider.

The major factor that influences the speed of a website is the hosting of your WordPress website. In the present time you can buy dedicated cloud servers from SiteGround DigitalOcean, Amazon Web Services, and even Google Compute Engine at a nominal price.

2: Use lightweight wordpress theme:

Yes after choosing best web hosting provider you will need chose a lightweight wordpress theme.Its great effect on your wordpress website speed.The best option here is to use lightweight themes. One solution is to go for one of the default WordPress themes.

3: Minify Css and Js files:

If you run your website through gtmetrix,google page speed insight or other tools for page speed check.You will be noticed that in below suggestions for optimization website speed one is minify css & js files.
For minifection css and js files you will install plugin minifection

4: Optimize Images: 

Also you will increase your wordpress website speed using optimize images. Optimize Images mean your images look like same but its size decrease. Then your page loading speed autocamlly decrease.

5: Clearing cache:

Also you will increase your website speed for use clear cache plugin like w3 total cache  

6:Use CDN:

Compressing files on your local computer can save a lot of disk space. Similarly, for the web, we can use GZIP compression. This maneuver will dramatically reduce the bandwidth usage and the time it takes to gain access to your website. GZIP compresses various files so that whenever a visitor tries to access your website; their browser will first have to unzip the website. This process brings down the bandwidth usage to a considerable extent.

7: Remove unused theme and plugin:

Delete unused theme and plugins mean all themes are deleted accept active theme and same as plugins.And also you need to update your wordpress version or all plugins,

Note: For your help wordpress website speed up services on fiverr